Cocktail Grapefruit
Estimated Inventory, cs : 0
Murray Family Farms has been family owned and operated by four different generations of the Murray family. The farm is in Bakersfield, California, and is known for growing a large variety of specialty vegetables, citrus, stone fruit, and tropical fruits and vegetables. Cocktail grapefruits have a thin, smooth, and bright-yellow rind that peels easily, revealing a yellow-orange tender, incredibly juicy, and seedy flesh. Cocktail grapefruits are highly aromatic with low acidity, developing a sweet, subtly tart flavor with orange, floral, herbal, and fruity notes.
Cocktail grapefruits are available during the winter months.
Current Facts
The Cocktail grapefruit, officially known as a Mandelo, was developed in the 1950's. It is a pedigree of the Siamese Sweet pummelo and Frua mandarin (tangerine variety) C. reticulata 'Frua' x C. maxima 'Siamese Acidless'. As it was never officially allowed for release, the hybrid is assumed to have escaped (with assistance) into public domain from the University of California Riverside. Unlike most citrus varieties, the cocktail grapefruit does not require grafting, rather a tree can be produced from one single seed.