Dancing Demon Pluots
Estimated Inventory, 8 lbs : 0
Deep purple in color with a unique flavor, the pluot is a cross between a plum and an apricot. Pluots have smooth skin, like plums, and firm, juicy, sweet flesh surrounding a pit.
Dancing Demon pluots are available during the summer months.
Current Facts
A botanically true pluot is a cross between a plumcot (50% apricot and 50% plum), and a true plum.
Pluots, like other stonefruit, are best enjoyed fresh at their peak of ripeness. Pluots may also be baked, roasted, sauteed, pureed or cooked into jams and compotes.
Locally grown in the center of the tree-fruit industry, Reedley, California, the pluot is a new hybrid, cross-introduced in 1989. Pluots have a predominantly plum parentage, having smooth skins like plums.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Dancing Demon Pluots. One