Yosemite Gold Tangerines
Estimated Inventory, cs : 0
This item was last sold on : 07/05/23
The Yosemite Gold tangerine measures around three to four inches in diameter, which is large for tangerines. On the outside, the rind is bright red-orange, thin, and finely textured. The peel comes off easily to reveal moderately juicy and rich flesh without any seeds. The Yosemite Gold is sweet with some acidic qualities.
Yosemite Gold tangerines are available in the winter months.
Current Facts
The Yosemite Gold tangerine is a fairly new hybrid citrus developed by the University of California Riverside's citrus breeding program in 2002. This tangerine resulted as a hybrid between the Temple tangor as parent, and a Dancy and Encore mandarin hybrid as the other. The Yosemite Gold tangerine is sometimes called a mandarin, but these are the same fruits.