Yellow Carrots
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Yellow carrots are varieties that are grown specifically to yield sweeter flavor at maturity while also retaining healthy texture; ie: the taproot is not woody or fiberous. There are at least three known types of carrots: Imperator, Danvers and Nantes. Yellow carrots are Nantes type varieties, having both round shoulders and a blunt non-tapered tip. They have a firm and crunchy texture and an earthy sweet flavor with notes of celery and parsley.
Yellow carrots are available year-round.
Current Facts
Yellow carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family along with parsnips, fennel caraway, cumin and dill. The Umbelliferae family is a cosmopolitan family comprising 455 genera and over 3500 species, which makes this family one of the largest taxon among higher plants. Each plant in this family has the umbrella-like flower clusters at maturity that distinguishes this family of plants. Carrots are the most important food crop within the Umbelliferae family. They are classified as a root vegetable, though the plant is comprised of a root, midribs and greens and is entirely edible.
Nutritional Value
In nature, different strains of carrots contain varying types and amounts of carotenoids, the pigments responsible for orange, yellow, and red colors. Yellow carrots contain high levels of the cartenoid lutein, a pigment similar to beta-carotene that is absorbed as Vitamin A in the body.
Yellow carrots boost the nutritional value of soups, stews, salads and are an indispensable ingredient in stocks. They make incredible pickled carrots, are quintessential for brining and deep frying and they make great protein companions when pan-roasted or grilled. Yellow carrots can be eaten raw in crudites, pureed into sauces, boiled and braised. All carrots pair well with other root vegetables such as turnips, beets and radishes, bacon, butter, celery, cheeses, especially cheddar, parmesan and pecorino, cinnamon, cream, ginger, parsley, potatoes, mushrooms, shallots, tomaotes and both light and full bodied vinegar.
The wild carrot, Daucus Carota, is native to the Middle East region of what is modern day Afghanistan. Within the subspecies Daucus Carota sativus, two varieties are recognized: The Western carrot (variety sativus) and the Eastern carrot (variety atrorubens). The Yellow carrot is an Eastern cultivar, domesticated in Central Asia as early as the 9th century.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Yellow Carrots. One