Estimated Inventory, 10 lbs : 0
Teen parsnips are grown beyond baby size and harvested before reaching full mature size, Teen parsnips resemble a white carrot. Under the Teen parsnips' knobby skin is a creamy, smooth root with a firm texture. Teen parsnips are usually marketed without its leaves, the green leaves closely resemble those of celery, another relative of parsnips. Teen parsnips have a sweet and nutty flavor.
Teen parsnips are available fall through winter.
Current Facts
Parsnips are botanically known as Pastinaca sativa, and are part of the Apiaceae family. The long, pale roots are closely related to carrots, parsley and dill. Parsnips have become a common garden crop in cold-climate regions because the root needs a longer growing period to develop its sweet flavor. There are three commercial varieties of Parsnip root, All American, Hollow Crown Improved and Harris Model, all of which are fairly common in taste and appearance.