Mexican Cream Guavas
Inventory, lb : 0
Mexican Cream guavas grow in groups on trees that can sometimes grow up to 10 meters tall. The small roundish fruits are roughly five centimeters in diameter and have a pale yellow skin often with a red blush. Mexican Cream guavas have a creamy white flesh that is thick and aromatic. The small fruits have a small seed cavity that holds a handful of soft, edible seeds. Mexican Cream guavas are sweet, with a classic tropical flavor, and offers aromas of pineapple and passion fruit.
Mexican Cream guavas are available year-round in warmer, tropical climates. In Southern California they are harvested in the fall.
Current Facts
Mexican Cream guava is a variety of Psidium guajava also known as Tropical Yellow guava, so called for the region in which it thrives. Guavas are often categorized by the color of their interior flesh and may be yellow, white, red or pink. Mexican cream guavas are one of 12 varieties known to exhibit the characteristic white flesh. The trees are also a favorite in edible landscaping for their colorful fruits and aromatic scent.
Nutritional Value
Mexican Cream guavas are high in vitamins A and C, and contain pectin.
The pulp is the most widely used part of the Mexican Cream guava. Slice the guava lengthwise, remove the seeds (if their crunch is undesirable) and cut the white flesh into chunks. The chunks can be boiled down to make marmalade, sauces, and syrups or used to make a paste. The guava paste is paired with creamy cheeses, like mascarpone or cream cheese in Mexico to make a dish known as bocadillo con queso. In southern Africa, Mexican Cream guavas are used to make wine.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Amazonian tribes use all portions of the Mexican Cream guava for medicinal purposes. The leaves and bark are boiled into a concoction and used to treat digestive issues, sore throat and vertigo.
Mexican Cream guavas are native to Central America. The fruits can be found growing throughout Mexico and Central America and many other tropical and subtropical climates. The trees usually live to be 40 years old. They thrive in warm temperatures, however well established trees can survive temperatures that fall below freezing. Mexican Cream guavas can be found at local farmer's markets in Southern United States.
Recipe Ideas
Recipes that include Mexican Cream Guavas. One is easiest, three is harder.